Re: My Breath, stinks the room even if my mouth is closed??
Your symptoms are very similar to mines except my odor comes from the nose and the mouth. And I have a huge problem with hives and rashes.
I am on an candida diet currently but can't tell if its working yet.
You should start however by doing what your doing -- see a dentist, but also see an ENT (ear, nose and throat doctor), he'll check for tonsolitoths and also any respiratory type infections that might be causing the smell (camera up your nostrils to take a look) and a gastroentologiest who will probably do a endoscopy or a scan of your stomach to see what's going on and possibly a colonoscopy.
Pay attention to whether the smell gets worse when you eat certain foods. Could you be lactose intollerant? This causes a breath odor as well. Could you have a lack of acid in digesting your foods. Some people have taken HCL supplement and this has cleared the problem for them.
Post back your progress.
I know what your going through. I just lost my job two weeks ago due to this problem. Its a devastating and traumatic way to live.