Re: o/t candida; iodine, boron, selenium
I find probiotics and enzymes effective too; but only taken for shorter periods (I became dependent on enzymes myself). I had a recent digestion /
parasite problem; took a lot of both probiotics and enzymes, stopped the
Iodine and borax for a week in case it could kill some of my beneficial bacteria.
It didnt do any good, my symptoms worsened considerably; even when I took a LOT of the best probiotics around.
Started up with some heavy duty herbs instead + the
Iodine borax selenium magnesium that I normally take. Took a while; about 1 month to get well(this problem was from a trip to Italy in feb. when I ate very poorly, lot of raw ham cheese etc.)
I have heard that some probiotics may contain aluminum In that case those aluminum dependent bacterias take over your digestion; only they cant do the job properly.
In that case Silica is needed, in addition to boron-yttrium +++ All according to Olree.
The best digestives for me is dion mustard, spices /cayenne, fermented foods, red wine, herbs and bitters.