Re: I can't come off a fast gracefully with fruit/fruit juice
the easiest thing on the post-fast body -i believe- is a mono diet, for as long as one can manage that. One thing at a time, and only one thing. And as little of that as possible.
I read here of someone that gorged on
Watermelon after the fast and was feeling really lousy (and scared). Another thing to consider is that our food today is generally grown too rapidly, and in depleted condiitons (soil, agri-business practices), so that even so called organic foods can test very low on the Brix scale. This means they lack the full range of 'complexed' minerals, and as a result can unbalance the body of its own - depleted- mineral stores...
After my 29 day fast last summer i felt not so great on re-feeding and it was disheartening. It took me more than two weeks to adjust to eating again. Most things tasted 'empty'.
Watermelon was disappointingly flat. During that time, what helped me was some slow-cooked veg. broths that featured lots of greens. Even dried nettles (simmered on low) into a borth can provide a lot of nourishment of the 'complexed' variety, and help with the extreme craving for lots of food--which I believe is mostly a bodily deasire to WIDELY replenish its mineral stores.
Despite the theory of high-water content fruit as best coming off the water fast, it may well be that whatever is currently in season is the best. ( and some of the old hygiensists did not follow the fruit rule, though cooked fruit might be a good thing) Food combining *is* key--so maybe the easiest is to do the mono thing for awhile.
* I also have a sense the often-spoken wish to fast again soon, is the body whispering that it might do very well with only one meal a day, (or a short window of eating; without any gorging)and about 19 hours "between meals" to do its housecleaning/repair work.
Fruit is an 'ideal', ( and maybe esp. once was) but only if it is very good quality, naturally ripe, etc.
potassium broth (recipe google-able)
miso soup. (don't overcook it)
baked apples
meals of one fruit only, but remember the size the stomach is only two cupped hands -- at the most. It's happiest not filled to the brim. Over-loading it, or eating too often will only encourage fermentation, and that flood-of-toxemia feeling.