question about NAC
Hi Bronte, i hope you can help...i have a couple of questions re NAC, have posted them on normal page, then i remembered you talking about it before so thought i would ask you as you know ur stuff about it!
I am thinking about trying NAC to help me with my facial hair problem, as i read some of your positive reactions to it...just had a couple of queries i wondered if you could help...
1. Once you start taking NAC is it something that has to be contnually taken i.e. if i stop taking it will the hair growth come back/increase? Or for exmaple can i take the first months supply and then stop?
2. Do you know if it has any negative impact on other parts of the body, such as the kidney? i did a quick search but couldnt find anything. Is it damaging in anyway (i know that might sound a bit stupid, but i'm kinda scared to mess about with my insides).I'm assuming it doesnt have any detrimental effect on the body in general?
Hope you can help!