I am so glad that I am not the only one who is dealing with this. For the past few weeks I have been feeling like I am losing my mind. I have the pain that feels like heart attack that comes with this intense panic attack and it is very difficult to deal with. I finally went to the E.R. and had tests done for the Dr. to tell me I had costo, I've known that I've had the panic attacks for a while, it seems as if it runs in our family (though I don't know for sure if panic disorder is genetic or not). For me it's hard to tell if the panic causes the costo or vice versa. It seems to go either way with me. I am not crazy about the idea of taking medications because I feel like I don't want to be out of control and I've never really taken meds so I don't know what to expect. Any suggestions would be great on things I could do to ease the panic and the pain.