Hi there, just started my coffee enemas. I am in the 2nd week of Hulda Clarkparasite cleansing. I followed dirrections for the coffee enema. However, I feel no cramping or urge to go. It seems my bowels are empty. On the program I am in some days I will go several times a day and others none so I assist along with a little casa sagrada (wrong spelling) In the past,before I started this cleansing sometimes whenI took an enema I also would experience this. I have always, leaned on the constipation side. Anyway,should I wait a few days before trying again. I did to coffee enemas in two days.mUsed one quart with 2 tbl of coffee as per directions, and then followed with a clear water enema. Then taking two probiotics for the flora. Appreciate your feedback onthis?