Re: I Agree, and a question...Re: HELP!!! Coffee Enemas causing back pain and swelling!
Andreas Moritz always said that doing
Liver Flushing or liver detox work will stress the kidneys out unless they are clear. And I guess that's why in all the standard protocols on cleansing (like the Curezone one) always puts kidney cleansing before liver flushing.
And I have always seen
coffee enemas as mini
Liver Flushes (I have even expelled stones this way!)
coffee enemas are obviously not affecting most people adversely though, and I am a great believer in them. But they do flush out a lot of acidic waste (hoorah!) but since the kidneys filter the blood, they are involved somewhere as part of the cleansing.
The colon, kidneys and liver are all connected when we cleanse, they can't really be seperated.
Sorry for the lack of scientific coherency, there is
Science behind this, but my brain is not giving me the information right now! If it comes up later, I'll let you know :-)
Bye for now