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dfams1 Views: 2,195
Published: 16 y
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It's become quite obvious that it is a kidney problem now that you mentioned it, I probably never would have realized that on my own lol. This had actually happened to me once before (curse my poor memory and brain fog!) and I had to buy a kidney/bladder cleanse from dr schulze.

Today I woke up feeling extremely cold (after nothing but LD kelp yesterday) but the same problem with liquids. And perhaps it was my imagination or I just didn't notice it before, but when I went to bed last night my upper left back had some discomfort to it.

I think if it is my kidneys it's probably just another case of too much too fast with the alkalizing drink and everything else, although I have been drinking lots of water and taking epsom salts 3-5 times a day as recommended in other ML posts about kidneys. I just hope it's not a problem I'm going to persistently have with the drink ..

Anyway in order to clear this problem up is it safe to say I can just put the drink on hold for a few days and drink just water and epsom salts? I have some kidney/bladder cleanse left too is such a thing okay to use? It quickly cleared the problem up when it happened before, but I don't know if it's unwise for any reason on the ML protocol?

This could be why I've been having so much trouble perhaps? Thanks again for all the replies


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