Half a 100ml bottle of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement could kill you, that's unactivated
But when you take it activated you are only ingesting a small amount of chlorine dioxide, so there is still plenty of unactivated sodium chlorite
Sodium chlorite can reduce glutathione and induce oxidative stress in excess.
The difference betwen activating or not is you get more chlorine dioxide and need less Miracle-Mineral-Supplement because it's more effective
Too much sodium chlorite can also depress bone marrow function and the immune system so the less the better.
The dose of an unactivated 5% sodium chlorite solution product given on one site is 1 drop per 20pounds weight twice a day and 10 drops 3 times a day for acute infections or more difficult problems, now if you divide that by 5 to get the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement equivalent you can see it's a lot less