Feb 2008 by ldsfireguy
I'm not at all sure where you get this information, but it is definitely a very debatable topic, and I do not believe your statements are at all correct. Your post is the very first warning I have ever seen about using NaClO2 without pre-activating it. There are warnings from the government about Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide, both from the EPA, the USDA and in MSDS sheets, but those all reference much higher ppm(s) than are used here.
I have also not personally seen any warnings from other vendors of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement about using it unactivated, although I must add that there are now many such vendors cropping up and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement vendors are often ordinary people who have very limited experience using, or knowledge about NaClO2, and who started making and selling it after reading about it in Jim's books about 4 or 5 months ago. Having used and researched NaClO2 for over 4 years now, and knowing hundreds if not thousands of others who have likewise used it to great effect, I can say from personal experience, from my own research, and from the research of Dr. Robert Young and others that there are no detrimental side effects from low ppm usage of NaClO2 in an unactivated state.
Stabilized Oxygen is Sodium chlorite in a 3 - 5% solution, so it is about 1/5 the concentration of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , and it has been in use in an unactivated form for about 40 or 50 YEARS, without any incident whatsoever; using unactivated MMS in very small quantities (1 - 3 drops per liter) is exactly like using stabilized oxygen products.
A single drop of unactivated MMS is equal in concentration to about 5 to 8 drops of Stabilized Oxygen, depending upon the strength of the product. And the average dosage of the Stabilized Oxygen products, always unactivated, is about 15 drops ... so taking 2 or 3 drops of unactivated MMS is exactly like taking a much more expensive Stabilized Oxygen product.
As far as Jim is concerned, your information is not correct ... he started out using unactivated MMS, with no adverse affects, for water purification and then went on to treat malaria patients with it. He only switched to using activated NaClO2 because he discovered that it was more potent, not because of any concern over the toxicity of the unactivated form.
The adverse effects (detox symptoms) from taking pre-activated MMS are FAR greater than from using the stomach acids to activate it ... and I have been taking unactivated MMS for 4 years, and have seen hundreds of others do it in that time, with no problems and great results.
To date, there has never been a reported case of any adverse effects from the ingestion of unactivated NaClO2 in this low concentration in all the literature which I have reviewed and studied.
Please make sure that you know what you are talking about from experience and research within the holistic field before you state something like this without equivocation.