Re: Is Colonic Irrigation "Dr. Feelgood quackery"?
Hi there
I read that article a long time ago too, i happened across it on some research i was doing. The guy is a idiot, Ive had so many
colonics and they have done nothing but good for me. I get that gas too, not every time but every few it starts to happen. Its just things getting stirred up and it means you are cleansing. I wouldnt throw in the towel, but maybe consider other options of cleansing like
Oxypowder , or any other ones that are recommended here, this is a great place for advice and its better asking people to see what kind of experiences they have had on various products and cleansing methods. Also im not sure what your diet is like, i know sometimes i will eat something "bad" thinking i will get a
colonic but then it turns out to be a "gassy one" so check your diet and what you drink. Maybe check into candida as well, i have it in my gut and the gas can be quite horiffic Anyway if you want to cleanse, keep going and accept the gas as a cleansing sign! (thats how i have to LOL)
Good luck to you