Help for my Panic
Hi, Lajoanna,
I was terrified of dying one evening. A friend suggested a footbath in a one percent solution of Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salts, as 'salty'-tasting as tears...for 'grounding'.
I had two boxes of the granulated texture that I hadn't used for the three years I'd had them in my cupboard. They don't work as a table salt because they don't melt quickly, and seem 'gritty' on food.
Anyway, I used something less than a cupful in a footbath tub...with the usual amount of warm water. ...Twice, on two consecutive evenings.
Nothing 'happened' other than pleasant footbaths. ...No fireworks or anything.
But, on the third morning I was coming down stairs and I noticed that all anxiety was gone...vanished, nada.
And the edema on the tops of my feet had reduced dramatically.
Anxiety has not returned in a year and a half.
Yes, I have had more edema, several times...and I've had some depression, once in a while...but no anxiety.
The mineral salts I found at my health food store came from the distributor...
1 kg., or 2.2 pounds, makes a tubful of 1% solution for a full bath.
I like to dry skin-brush, first, using a sisal brush or a fluffy towel (brush lightly toward the heart); have a shower using small amounts of 'organic' products; then sink every part of me underwater, keeping the sticking up bits wet with a washcloth...including hair and face...for 20 to 30 pleasantly warm water.
Of course, a footbath or a hand bath is easier...and quite I proved for myself.
I could feel the good effects of a full bath for about two weeks.
Some say to do the full baths a couple of times per week. I don't know.
Others use the sole (pronounced so-lay) one teaspoonful to a glass of water each morning. I have only done this once in a while.
Daisy4 posted about this. I'll get the link...
What I think is happening is that ancient sea plants took up the exact balance of mineral salts they prefer; and that our wonderful skins balance our minerals within, taking in only what is needed, and dumping all excesses.
To me, it is a wonderful as a swim in an ancient, clean ocean.
The calm kind of sneaks up on a person, with NO undesirable effects.
Be sure to melt the mineral salts in some water for a while beforehand...sitting on the bits in the tub isn't the best way.
Good luck!