sorry to hear about your tumor.My brother in 2002 was diagnosed with this tumor and also my sister in 2007.gbm grow from the inside of the brain out,like all other primary tumors.the problem with this tumor is how quickly it grows back.My brother did the cesium protocol for a month then stopped because of his wife,but during that time his tumor shrunk from a lemon to a grape,he did radiation and chemo but passed away 15 months later.My sister did cesium and the tumor turned into a cyst.we did a high holistic approach for her and she did great but died from a blood clot that went to her lungs not associated with the tumor.if your interested in a holistic approach i will help in anyway i can.are you having any seizures? when they operated were they aggressive ,which i mean did they cause your arm and leg weakness? also the tumor might be pressing on a part of your brain that causes the paralysis.do you have a size in cm of the remaining tumor?the smaller it is is the best time to attack this tumor.go to cancertutor and read up on brain cancer,but i would start on apricot kernels and juicing and be on a high alkaline diet,let me know if i can help
god bless