Although the tumor has shrunk, chemo and radiation rarely cure cancer. In fact, sometimes chemo and radiation actually spread cancer to other parts of the body. Besides, that, they only serve to poison the body and severly compromise an already weakened immune system whereby the cancer gained entrance in the first place. Even if remission takes place, the cancer almost always returns and sometimes with a vengeance, where nothing can be done. I would strongly urge you not to opt for futher chemo and radiation, certainly not stronger chemo.
I would like to point you to A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol, which uses Oleander and other immune boosting supplements, together with diet and proper lifestyle suggestions. Oleander, when made into an extract, is over 90% effective in eliminating all types of cancer.
I would strongly suggest that you take the natural route to healing and address your cancer from its source, rather than attacking it from the outside. Pay close attention to the diet portion of this Protocol. Diet is of utmost importance. And if you are ingesting any sugar, stop immediately. Cancer feeds on sugar.
My best to you,
All good questions, some of which can never be answered. As for the others, I am no longer in contact with this patient. This was part of an informal study which I used to satisfy myself that Cantron was a valid cancer treatment. I learned that performing such a study is extremely time consuming even though I limited the questions asked of the patients to ten. I can say that such a study is much more useful than testimonials where the failures seem to be completely missing. You can see the results of this study at:
You might want to note that oleander extract crosses the blood brain barrier and has had notable success against brain cancers. It also helps potentiate radiation as well as alleviate its side effects.
No matter how much radiation you receive, you must address and eliminate the root cause of the cancer to prevent it from returning. The natural immune system is the primary natural defense against cancer, and too much radiation can cause irreperable harm to the immune system (it destroys the bone marrow, an essential part of the immune system) as well as damage healthy cells near the cancer tumors being irradiated, so proceed with caution.
All the best,
Hemp oil has been shown to reverse brain cancer/tumors. But one example here:
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