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Re: Lecithin instead of Citrus!?!
tierra Views: 2,736
Published: 15 y
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Re: Lecithin instead of Citrus!?!

Sorry I misunderstood, I thought that you were comparing Lecithin with Citrus :)

Nope. Quite the opposite. As far as Liver-Flush goes, they're totally un-related. I was confused because you mentioned lecithin is not acidic like citrus. Anyways, glad we sort it out.

Actually Lecithin works to emulsify fat, it's good to help clear out the Arteries. I've never heard of anyone using it as a thickener in food.

I was thinking about making salad dressing, thickening it by emulsifying oil and citrus. The two processes often go hand and hand. Yes...Yes... Emulsification would be the correct term. Stand Corrected. :)

Sometimes I use a little Lecithin in the Oil in my cast-iron fry pan for the natural non-stick affect.

This is getting interesting... Emulsifying/Combining and Repelling/Non-Sticking sound opposite to me. I suppose it's slippery on it owns, but when mix with other food it as you cook it emulsifies the food to the pan (lol...Just teasing!)... Okay... Gotto try that out... Food Science is fun...

I haven't tried garlic or ginger instead of Lecithin
because it doesn't act the same.

No, if the primary purpose of Lecithin is emulsification, then they're not the same... I didn't think you were going after that though since you don't use citrus and since you mentioned that lecithin is slippery, I thought you're going after it's cholagoguing effect, just like what ginger and garlic do indirectly to your system even though they're not "slippery" on their own in their original form. Give them a shot, you might be surprise! :)



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