We have a lot of information (negative) on soy, that Dr. Schulze & Dr. Christopher never had. Before you ingest soy on a regular basis (ESPECIALLY unfermented soy), please make SURE and read this: http://www.thedoctorwithin.com/soy/Magic-Bean.php
Under NO circumstances (NONE!) should one EVER ingest Genetically-Modified soy...and if it's not certified organic it genetically mutated. :( :( :(
Soy Lecithin, indeed, is beneficial to the liver...but there are many healthier ways to get it. Dr. Christopher recommended wheat germ oil daily on his IP & the Mucusless diet (it is extremely high in Lecithin and Vitamin E). I think I remember you asking something about oils on the IP...and that was one of the post I was going to answer but 'lost sight of' when I accidentally moved all my "inbox" to "trash".
You can get high quality wheat germ oil at Mountain Rose