Re: If I cannot do juice fasting, what is a good diet?
Thanks for your answer!
Just a few things... I don't know how many of my posts you have read, so I apologize if this is repeated info for you...
I had my gall bladder out 15+ years ago... and had explosive diarhea every since.. (2-10 times a day)... I did humaworm's
parasite cleanse in december.. and about 3 weeks after I was finished.. my explosive diarhea stopped... (now I have soft skinny pooh... )
In March I did humaworm's colon cleanse.. (it's 30 days)... I didn't get anything remarkable out. I'm assuming it's because I've had diarhea for years... basically pure bile, and acid... so, I doubt that anything would cling to the colon walls.. and the
Colon Cleanse confirmed that suspicion..
In April, I started with my second round of humaworm's
parasite cleanse... and started with the liver flushing... they haven't been very productive so far, as I have completed 3 of them... I will be doing a 4th this week. (I do the coke flush, as it is the only one I can hold down, without vomitting.. )
I'm glad you gave me the tip about chewing my food. I'm a very fast eater... comes form years of only having 15 minutes to wolf down my lunch at work... so, I probably need to chew more...
I want to know more about juicing... I don't do well with fruit juices, as they give me terrible acid reflux.. and increase diarhea..
I do have a professional juicer at home.. and I have a book.. but to tell the truth, I'm very overwhelmed by the concept. my book has hundreds of juice recipees... and hundreds of suggestions for conditions... and what you are to juice... and its mind boggling, as I don't really know what I am treating for... my biggest concern is my digestive problems.. and my weight... I am desperate to get my weight down.. but nothing helps...
Can you give me some specific suggestions for the juicing?