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can not vs. will not vs. understand & UNunderstanding! . Re: If I cannot do juice fasting, what is a good diet?
unyquity Views: 1,979
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can not vs. will not vs. understand & UNunderstanding! . Re: If I cannot do juice fasting, what is a good diet?

>>>As you know, or not, I have muscular dystrophy<<<

Yep, I remember. The good news is you don't HAVE to have it and you CAN cure it and be totally in control of your health for the rest of your life!! YAY. And THE greatest thing? You're still walking, mobile, and you have people helping you (from previous post: >>>live in a house by myself, but my relatives help me<<<). So unlike 'Wings, the ONLY obstacle you have to overcome is working parts of the IP into your j-o-b (something hundreds/thousands of people have figured out a way to do).

However, you DO have to follow the *real* IP protocol "to the letter" (as I explained via email, which is NOT the current protocol on Dr. Schulze s site)... and put away your preconceived notions of what will work, what won't work, and what you *think* your body is able to do and handle.

It's not your fault (nor anybody elses) that (perhaps) you believe MD can't be cured. (I say 'perhaps', because it seems to me like you don't actually/truly believe it yet...cuz if you truly believed it, you'd be rip-snorting-rearin' to DO IT!). Our conditioning is DEEP....and extremely evil. And the 'system' of medicine has INTENTIONALLY been set up to be that way (please read the first part of this: //
You HAVE been conditioned...just like all the rest of us have been. It takes KNOWLEDGE to undo that conditioning and to start to believint enough to start to 'do what it takes' to beat an "incurable".

We all have receptor sites on our immune cells for neuropeptides (brain chemicals, like neurotransmitters). Our immune system can & does "listen & respond" to our thoughts and state of mind! When a doctor (or the ADA, or 'other') tells you that you've been diagnosed with a genetic disease that is incurable (and you believe it), your immune system hears it (and likely every other system) ...and believes it. (yikes)

Can you change your genes? //

There are NO incurable diseases...and that includes yours!! But there ARE incurable people. It's your choice whether you are curable or incurable. The "baseline" for EVERYBODY with an incurable disease is to start UNlearning and UNbelieve all the TOTAL BS about whatever disease one has. ALL diseases are curable...ALL of them - the only time that is not true, is when the persons 'time has come' (not decided by us, but by a higher power), and when someone has been so carved up, poisoned/chemoNOTtherapy and radiated that their natural body's schematics have been altered...and even then, many people pull it off anyway. BUT, the only way they can pull it off is to understand & believe that they CAN - and the ONLY thing stopping them is their choice/s.

This is basically the chapter from the SYL manual on juice fasting:
-- JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!

From what you've posted so far, I'm gathering you haven't yet seen the Save Your Life videos or read the 650 page manual (???) Juice fasting/raw vegan eating is the baseline of the Incurables Program - no options - no alternatives. Anything less, and you'll get less results. AND you have to add products & protocols to the 'baseline' IP just like Schulze would have done. That's where I come in (and one of the reasons I opened this forum). It's taken me YEARS worth of research to even begin to come close to knowing how Dr. Schulze /Christopher (and others) customized the protocol for each specific disease or condition. Plus we have to "upgrade" to make up for the EXTREME amount of congestion, compromise & chemicals in our bodies compared to 20-70 years ago.

>>> and just to sit on juices won't help me.
I feel weak, I know this 'cause when I was on 5 day Liver Flush couple months ago, I was weak.<<<

Nope - and here's why:

--Everybody has unique reactions specific to their body when starting juice fasting - it's almost always simply the body adjusting to another form of energy/nutrition. When juice-fasting one is SUPPOSED to drink a gallon of juice (or juice & potassium broth) daily. I'm assuming you didn't drink nearly that much. Also, the 5 day liver cleanse protocol is 2 days raw, 3 days juice fasting. One cannot take those tinctures & that drink (both which stimulate the liver and possibly release stale bile and toxic matter into the intestinal tract), as well as possibly create die-off symptoms from the garlic, likely drink less juice/broth than suggested...and then report "my body can't handle juice fasting". There's FAR too many variables there to "blame it all" on juice fasting :(

--ALSO, when doing the FULL IP, you will be doing LOTS of other things that counteract 'lack of energy'. Daily Cayenne pepper (huge impact!); hot/cold showerS daily (huge impact!); barefootin', sunshine, exercise, charcoal/bentonite (to adsorb toxins = more energy), etc., etc., etc.

>>>Second thing is that I work. I do go to work everyday, and it's hard for me to be on the juices. if I quit working, and try to heal, I would do juicing just fine, I ll make myself, but since I work I can't.<<<

You'll either make a way to 'work it in', or 'work around it', or you won't. That's a CHOICE that only you can make.
'Wings is doing the IP under MUCH more negative, limiting, and time-usurping conditions. I can guarantee you (without even asking her), that she'd give just about ANYTHING to have "a full time job and relatives that support/help her".
She's got a job that keeps her busy from the moment she wakes up to the time she falls into bed...and virtually NO help from relatives (and EXTREME amounts of negativity from very IMPACTFUL family members).

She knows she can be healed and she's decided to ensure she IS healed....AND SO CAN YOU!

Eurovw, what you're doing is a good start - it's getting your feet wet and learning a bit about the program/protocol. It may take quite a bit of time, research and learning before you're ready to heal yourself...and that's okay. It's your body and your future. My only advice is that you don't take too long deciding. As you know, your symptoms are likely to get worse...making it harder and harder to do 'tomorrow' what you may end up wishing you would have done yesterday.

Bottom line for all of us: "Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can' are right" (Henry Ford)




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