Thanks for your answer! My sincerest of apologies for the 'ultra slow' response lag (I really am taking all posts in order - except for the major crisis. I'm doing my best to get caught-up SOON! :)
Just a few things... I don't know how many of my posts you have read, so I apologize if this is repeated info for you...I read quite a few, but not all.
I had my gall bladder out 15+ years ago... and had explosive diarhea every since.. (2-10 times a day)... I did humaworm's parasite cleanse in december.. and about 3 weeks after I was finished.. my explosive diarhea stopped... (now I have soft skinny pooh... ) You likely know that when the gallbladder is removed, instead of the bile being stored, condensed and released 'as needed', it just drips out of the liver constantly. Bile creates peristalsis (the muscular squeezing motion of the colon), so it's very typical that one has explosive diarrhea after a gallbladder removal. I'm glad to here the diarrhea is under control, but "skinny poo" is not normal or healthy. Poo-logs should be at least an inch or more in thickness (soft is good, like peanut butter or soft-serve ice cream). Poo that's skinny indicates an impacted colon (or something like diverticulitis, or a constriction or other abnormality). Hmmm, it's interesting that it stopped after the Humaworm. There's a lot of herbs in Humaworm (other than just the parasite killers). I'll continue thinking out loud as I type. Something in the Humaworm stopped the bile from dripping out??? Or perhaps your intestines somehow became accustomed to it.
In March I did humaworm's colon cleanse.. (it's 30 days)... I didn't get anything remarkable out. I'm assuming it's because I've had diarhea for years... basically pure bile, and acid... so, I doubt that anything would cling to the colon walls..yet the size of your poo indicates either your colon is impacted, constricted or there's something else wrong. Mucoid plaque (that has been forming your entire life) is not always dislodged by bile flow and diarrhea...sometimes it's the constriction caused by a build-up of mucoid plaque that causes the fecal matter to come out in 'spurts'...for example MANY times IBS & colitis are caused by fecal impaction. and the colon cleanse confirmed that suspicion.. I disagree; here's why: Humaworm Colon Cleanse (from their site) --
We are one of a handful of colon cleanser manufacturers to put our formula into capsule form. Powdered herbs are thick, bitter and LITERALLY hard to swallow. Our philosophy is: If it's hard to take, it's hard to stick with it! #3 HUMACLEANSE is formulated to effectively cleanse the colon without cramping or diarreah. WHAT IS IN HUMACLEANSE? HUMACLEANSE contains 10g psyllium, 10mg senna, and 10mg cascara sagrada in each daily dose. The added natural laxatives keep things flowing smoothly by helping the body rid itself of toxins and waste. Cascara sagrada stimulates the long muscles along the colon to work in a wave like action. This action helps to loosen the build up so that the psyllium can then trap and remove it entirely. WHAT IS THE DOSING? 3 capsules 3 times per day for 30 days. #1, there's a REASON why there's only a handful of sellers that encapsulize colon cleansing herbs...because it's not very effective! Many times the capsules don't even fully dissolve and become mixed with fluid until midway through the intestines...and in some people not at all. #2 Psyllium alone is NOT an effective colon cleansing herb - sure it's bulky, but that's about it. IF#2 contains psyllium husks, psyllium seeds, flax seeds, apple/fruit pectin, slippery elm, marshmallow root, peppermint, bentonite clay & activated charcoal. The first six ingredients are ALL mucilaginous (become mucousy/slimey/sticky when wet); when mixed with the bentonite clay they 'suck onto' the walls of the intestines and the "multi fiber" has not only a pulling action but a 'scrubbing bubbles' kind of action. Slippery Elm & Marshmallow are demulcent herbs (soothing) and Slippery Elm also is a MAJOR healer (repairs holes in ANY tissue). #3 The dose? 3 capsules 3x daily? That's not enough to clean the colon of a housecat! The dosage of IF#2 is 5 heaping teaspoons 5x daily. #4 It's certainly better than nothing, but please don't consider yourself to have done a month of thorough colon cleansing and healing :( Obviously something has happened that has stopped your diarrhea (yay!)...yet difficulty digesting & properly expelling the simplest of foods (fruit juice - below) is indicitave of something wrong with your digestive tract. And acid reflux means acid from your stomach is moving UPward into your esophagus (we can't feel the acid in our stomach, only in our esophagus)....but things are supposed to move DOWNward. Think of big long convoluted tube...why would anything move UPward? Almost always that's because of a clog, constriction or impaction somewhere in the lower tubing and/or there's putrefying "yuck" in the tube that's creating gas (that creates upward pressure).
In April, I started with my second round of humaworm's parasite cleanse... and started with the liver flushing... they haven't been very productive so far, as I have completed 3 of them... I will be doing a 4th this week. (I do the coke flush, as it is the only one I can hold down, without vomitting.. ) One of THE main reasons for vomiting in a liver flush is because the liver is so congested that it can't make or produce enough bile to properly digest the oil (and the liver knows this) - so when you drink the oil, up it comes (our body is VERY intelligent). Also (just fyi) Coca cola contains corn syrup (which is laden with mercury!); orthosphophoric acid is what dentists use to etch enamel off of teeth and it degrades bones. I strongly feel there's NEVER a reason (except the most dire of emergencies) to ingest known toxins in order to heal our precious bodies. With a week or two of good liver "prepping" and ample ginger root (the herbal kingdom's strongest anti-nausea herb -except for cannabis- there's really never a reason to have to deal with vomiting when liver flushing). And with good prepping, you don't need Epsom Salts either. Also to keep in mind, the liver is NEVER in the same condition with whatever flush you're doing than it was in the previous flush. You could have done two 'coke flushes' (and vomited), then switched to the Clark flush (and didn't vomit) and would swear the rest of your life that it was the 'coke flush' that made you vomit. A few ounces of Coca-cola doesn't prevent vomiting.
I'm glad you gave me the tip about chewing my food. I'm a very fast eater... comes form years of only having 15 minutes to wolf down my lunch at work... so, I probably need to chew more...I understand, I "woof" my food, too. 'Tis a VERY bad habit (and very unhealthy). Grrrrr me.
I want to know more about juicing... I don't do well with fruit juices, as they give me terrible acid reflux.. and increase above, then something (digestive tract/liver) is in serious need of repair and tender loving care.
I do have a professional juicer at home what kind of juicer do you consider "professional" (that's a word that MANY juicer sellers use to describe their juicers). A quality juicer (that produces quality juice) is not centrifugal... and I have a book.. but to tell the truth, I'm very overwhelmed by the concept. my book has hundreds of juice recipees... and hundreds of suggestions for conditions... and what you are to juice... and its mind boggling, as I don't really know what I am treating for...Ahhh yes, I totally understand. Did you read this link? :JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!
Those are the words of a natural healer that cured over 5,000 people of late-stage "incurable" diseases succesfully. I once helped a gal that was SO reactive to various foods that she could only eat 11/12 she juiced what she could of the 11/12 things (spinach, greens, cucumbers, lemons and something else, I can't remember what). I know "they" want us to believe it's "mind boggling", but it's really not. Switching to juices is like an IV infusion of nutrition and gives our body the 65% of energy (that's used in the process of digestion) to use to heal itself. Oh sure, one can't be ridiculous with the juicing combinations, but almost any logical combination works WONDERS!
my biggest concern is my digestive problems.. and my weight... I am desperate to get my weight down.. but nothing helps...The liver processes fat; when one can't lose weight, it's imperative to make sure the liver isn't compromised. Also when one is not properly assimilating nutrition, that's another reason for not loosing weight. Our body is screaming/crying for nutrition, so we keep feeding it calories (but the nutrition that our body needs is not being assimilated), so we get the calories, but we're always starving.
Can you give me some specific suggestions for the juicing? As far as juicing, the suggestion is "just juice"...but start with a totally logical program. In your case, it seems obvious to me that you need to do a 'basic program'...starting with 30 days of quality colon cleansing, along with juice-fasting...and doing lots of liver prepping and a couple of 'big flushes' in that 30 days. Your liver is likely very compromised & clogged (always is when the gallbladder becomes symptomatic) - and since 3 flushes haven't yielded much, then we KNOW we've got issues. Take a quick look at this:
And, if your liver has been compromised all these years, then your kidneys have been picking up some MAJOR slack (and they're in need of a bit of cleansing and tlc themselves). You can do two 5-day kidney cleanses in the first thirty days, as well.
If you haven't been reading the forum, you probably think all this is "too much" to do at once, but actually it's THE most effective way to cleanse and heal the body (help all the systems to work and work together at the same time). Here's why (from a previous post):
Doing one cleanse at a time, can sometimes work against you. Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 20 years without much regular maintenance. The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed, the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; overall suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc. If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you get the carb/oil/filter done. New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads. If the alternative is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts. The human body is no different. It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time. Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way). Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance).
Of course, while you're doing this, there are other wonderfully beneficial things you can do to assist the healing.
Willowwisp, I (of course) have no idea what you're willing to do and how much you're willing to learn so you can make a solid decision to know what you're willing to do (I think I said that backward). But if you're serious about wanting to truly knock-out your health problem in THE most effective way, the protocol I suggest is based on the works of two of THE greatest and most succesful healers that lived & practiced in this century)...and I am sure enough of this working and helping others, that my husband and I have dedicated our life to making sure people have the opportunity to learn how to do it, hence giving them back control of their bodies & health for the rest of their lives.
'Hope this answered a lot of your questions...and I promise if you have any more, I'll do my best to get back to you faster :::sigh:::
Healthiest of blessings -
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