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Re: more enema questions for Kitty
Karlin Views: 5,991
Published: 22 y
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Re: more enema questions for Kitty

Thanks for the reply.
I think I got started on two topics.

One was the coffe enema size seems small, but now I understand completely about the time it takes to get to the liver, etc., thats why its small, Good answer!

The other questions wer about regular enemas. I never 'lost' a coffe enema [didn't do one yet]. I just don't get the urge to vacate sometimes with regular one-quart enemas.
On that topic again, is the cold water more stimulating than the warm water I've been using?[body temp on back of wrist].

And, what about those recipies, are they generally more stimulating?
I want your opinion for other enema recipies - my idea of using some H202 in it?
And I heard about the G.S.E. -[grapefruit seed extract] in it - how much?
Can I deliver some vitimin C that way? In the enema water? [I get a gut bloat when I take Vit c, even powdered buffered Vit C.]
Suppositories are one thing, but enema delivery is a little different isn't it? Maybe it isn't good because it comes back out?

Thanks, you are very helpfull, and I have a lot of questions.




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