I managed to remineralize/fill tiny 'pin point' cavities in a 'floating wisdom tooth' of mine, by using both/either Dr. Christopher's Tooth Powder or Schulzes Tooth/Gum formula (NO toothpaste containing glycerine), and using the Herbal Calcium tincture. The major cavity reduced, but did not fill entirely. It took about a month (???)
Side effects? Oh yeah, my nails (normally soft & "droopy") at the end of the month had hardened and strengthened beautifully. Yeah yeah, I know that's "impossible" because nails don't grow that fast...but it happened, nonetheless.
It likely worked so quickly/effectively for me because my "foundation" is now so strong.
Always remember (everybody reading): Herbs are "the roof on the house" - sometimes a roof will work even though it's atop a wobbly/weak foundation, other times it won't work at all, and other times it will only partially work.