When I got better before I took mag. citrate all the time candida was dying off. I even got to the point where I could eat and drink anything without any food intolerances and bloating, no anxiety or depression. My candida cleared inspite of taking the mag. citrate. However this time around - you could have a point as I am not getting better - or should I say my candida isnt getting better but some of the symptoms of mag. deficiency have. Maybe you have a point in that the brand of magnesium could be the problem. It is also possible that the magnesium citrate was very poorly absorbed anyway because I dont recall it even allieviating any symptoms of mag. deficiency whereas the spray is much better absorbed and has definately helped my mag. deficiency symptoms. I hope you can make sense of this? Sorry its a bit all over the place...but yes I do see your point. A survey would be very interesting but unfortunately once people get better they no longer post!