Hi Ashley!!
It's been a long time...tooo long!
So, yeah, it's verrrry interesting that you're feeling so good! But, when I think about it - it's like you live with this energy all the time, so it's nothing new!! PLUS you've been getting a real handle on it lately - making huge growth strides shown in your dreams and doing sooo much integration!
Like - you have Venus in Scorpio (that's Venus/Pluto symbolism right there) and - now here's the most AMAZING thing!!! Your Sun is in Libra conjunct Pluto! There's that Venus/Pluto symbolism again! Nuts eh? You've got it double! (because Libra is ruled by Venus)
Cool eh?
Ha - so this energy right now is just fueling's familiar...and you're learning more about yourself and your feminine Power....
That is great you are tending the garden and watching things grow...that feels soooo good! My back porch garden is sooo lush right now it's crazy! And today I ate a salad with lettuce from my own garden! woooo. I've been touching each and everyone of my plants lately telling them how beautiful they are and how they are going to make the best tomatoes, flowers, leaves etc...It feels sooooo good to do that. yum.
Well, I miss you Ashley - hope to see you around more....