Hi all!
I just received an email from Daniel the Reconnections guy - I really like his stuff.
Here is an excerpt:
Now is a time of great confusion and disorientation for Neo-Shamans. The influx of energy through the Star Gates is tremendous. And it is coming at you, literally, from all sides. Many of you feel as though you are driving with your brakes on! (*holy hannah I can feel that!) The essential contradiction within a person can be frightening. There is no sense of congruity, at times--no feeling of alignment, or credibility. This is due, largely, to the fact that your planet is being infused with energy essence from every possible/probable reality base.
Your emotional bodies will often seem like a train wreck, except the actual moment of "impact" never occurs. Instead, you are gripped by an innate sense of foreboding--a premonition of something that you pray will never be!
We tell you now that this particular experience of "angst" and wonder is exactly the way things are supposed to be for you. After all, the Ambassadors of Light and Darkness, which are arriving within you, are coming face to face with their energetic counterparts. For many of them, this is a shock beyond all imagining. But in days to come, it will become a dance of pure bliss. The elements that are joining within you are about to meet their Multiversal Soul Mates. And you, my Dear Friends...........each and every one of you........will be hosts for this Wedding Feast of the Ages.
'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free. Oh, it is a wonderful time to be alive! And it is also the most difficult period of energetic integration your planet has ever faced. Humanity is deep in the pains of labor now. Stay strong, stay focused, and lean back into the arms of your faithful midwife. We are with you, we support you daily--hour by hour, moment by moment. It won't be long now. Breathe, My Dear Friends. Breathe.
love Tracey
The whole article