Re: Supporting the body in iodine detox & depression.
nice post miss helfinger – but i just gotta say (and this isn’t necessarily to you miss h – i’m just sayin’… ya know…)
it is of far more importance to ensure that your elimination channels are working properly before you supplement *anything*
when i started iodine, i went completely crazy with insomnia and borrowed energy and then i crashed *big time* – and not in the ‘detox-this-too-shall-pass’ kinda way; i crashed in the way that is very, very wrong.
and i was a good soldier: when i started supplementing, i had already done 80-days of fasting, about 15-20 liver flushes, 5 or 6
parasite cleanses, countless detoxes, blah. so i had no toxicity, no amalgams, no depression. i took all the companion nutrients (which i *knew* i wasn’t absorbing correctly), together with a clean, 80% raw diet; pure water; oil pulling; SWFs; antioxidants;
coffee enemas – ya know it.
but i just got puffier; and more and more fatigued - until i was feeling as vague and as present as clouds. and after 3 months of lugols, my hair started falling out again, and my body started getting colder and puffier and weaker and bleh. i knew it wasn't iodine: it was me.
for the last 5 or 6 years, i’ve worked full-time in the office of healing – i haven’t had a single day off - and i feel like i deserve a promotion. in fact, i feel like i deserve a nice phat retirement package. sunny beaches, pretty things, abundance.
so i sucked it up and did some lab tests with metametrix in the USA and ARL laboratories in melbourne (australia). if you believe the results (and i do, since it feels like my truth) i’ve got no
parasites anymore and i’ve completely eliminated all my mycoplasma, brucella, aspergillus and staph. i’ve got *nothing* nefarious (and if i had found out that i still had any of them, i would’ve wanted to club baby seals or something. i’ve done sooo much work, sheesh).
so what do i got? i have chronically low levels of glutathione – essential in phase 2 liver detox. my phase 1 liver detox is working at 200% and my phase 2 is barely working at 40%. which means i am pathologically auto-intoxicating myself. apparently, i have the same oxidative stress of an 80-year old person that has drunk a bottle of scotch and smoked 100 cigarettes everyday for their entire life. which is more than twice my age. and i hate scotch.
creepy, huh?
this kind of oxidative stress is predominant in people with (or who have had) chronic
parasite infestations, bacterial and/or viral infections. (as well as people with otc/pharma/street drug or alcohol abuse - ciscokid: i feel ya).
so once you’re clean, you gotta take things s-l-o-w. if your elimination channels are not working correctly (and it’s likely they won’t be) any supplement you take can become toxic to your body.
in my case, my liver problems are also likely to be genetic, but severely exacerbated by
parasites and negative thoughts/behaviours. do i think i can fix it? yup, nearly there...
i am also congenitally profoundly deaf. do i think i can fix that too? hell yeah!
so before you start iodine, get clean. do the cleanses, in order. get rid of your parasites. eat nutrient-rich, live foods. get fresh air and sunlight. all the basics. then start adding. you’ll soon know what’s left to sort out…
iodine works best when you work best.
always, always keep it simple. because the foundations of good health are actually really simple…