I see M sent his flunky to do his dirty work for him again. After all M is afraid to confront me in an OPEN forum because every time he posts he discredits himself and I prove it. That is why he attacks me from his little hiding place where he will not let me defend myself against his false claims against me.
By the way Justinsane, I do not get paid for doing this. And I have pointed this out several times. So why do you insist on lying? Taking lessons from M?
As for your claim that M does not sell products then why have people asked about his products?
And as for your attacks on me about ozone:
-First of all I am not selling ozone machines or any ozone products. So I make NO money by explaining the priciple to people.
-Secondly ozone IS NOT the same as oxygen (O2) and has many properties that oxygen cannot provide. Why don't you try getting your head out of your a** for a while so you can actually do some research and learn something?!!!