This is true ! Havapill is not the first to attempt to discredit Moreless. Wombat and her creepy coharts along with a pro pharmaceutical troll spent months bashing and attempting to discredit Moreless and yet here he is still curing people of problems that no one else could before him,including many of the faux healers on Curezone!
ML sells nothing but does dig into the pockets of those who do here at Curezone. Is it any wonder he has enemies!
Just like Havapill any pill Hveragerthi will spend hours with his establishment neo pharmaceutical jargon and twenty dollar words spewing his venom against some who just happens to disagree with his authoritarian posture!
These types will come and go and Moreless will keep on trucking while guys like Havapill will wonder how he's going to recoup the money he blew on his education!