hear hear !! just peachy well said ! i agree.
i thought she was referring to some one in a current context..
bu ti agree you nee dot jus tlet the past go and let loose unresolved issues.. to free your soel fto b e who you are NOW
and that your energies need ot be bein gfocused on moving forward
not backwards 8)
heal yoursle fform tehpast recognise what it may have created in you.. and resolve that, and then move forward.. don't waste time anaylising another,, youahv eno clue wha t they weer thinking doind where their views were tehn etc.. and youprobably never will.
accept that.. one thing yo udo know is they were not someone healthy for you and youwan tto pursue havign folks that share like mind around you .
so even if you knew... what purpose does it serve? except to have taken the time form youexpended .. tha tcoul dhave been spendt in healthier endeavors and further spirtual growht fo ryou .
it is jstu a distraction tell your body to STOP THAT *wink*
lol ala Newhart *)and let your spirit take control / not your bbody or mind or emotiions *)