You People Crack Me Up
Um, have any of you read the bill? Its about inspection of food processors, and certification/hiring of additional inspectors, as well as administrative stuff about verification of where overseas products come from.
There is nothing in there about organic farming, backyard farms, seeds, or fertilizers (except something about documenting it contents).
I know monsanto is a filty, greedy, corrupt company with huge and undue influence. However, they are not going to send thugs to stomp your pumpkins into the ground.
If anything, they will get the legal definition of organic changed so they can sell their modified and sprayed products to the people clamoring for organic produce.
Think for a minute and actually read this crap before you panic.
Here's a link to an an organic food site that says that the sky is not falling...
Here's a link to the bill, in its entirety.....
Besides, the term "organic" as defined by the USDA is a damn joke.
Sometimes, I am so right it hurts.
And That Is All