I don't know the ins and outs of this forum well enough yet to know who copied and pasted this argument on this forum, but I can tell you this - you brought it to the wrong forum. I will not get caught up in these political debates about who did what to whom. There are no surprises here - we are reaping what we sowed.
Now, before I end up with a public outcry about burying my head in the sand or not getting involved, let me share a couple of things with you:
1) I spent several years before Y2K traveling around the
United States speaking at the preparedness shows -
trying to teach people how to be more self-sufficient -
how to take more responsibility for their own health -
trying to help people understand that life as they know
it could change at any moment due to natural disasters,
job loss, pandemic outbreaks - any number of things can
happen unexpectedly.
One day I had someone show up on my doorstep to inform
me that I needed to lay low for awhile - I
was 'marked'. They said I was being 'watched' because I
was a non-conformist and a trouble-maker. "They" didn't
want people to be self-sufficient because people who are
self-sufficient are not easily controlled.
I did not lay low and continued to teach and write.
2) A couple of years later I was sent a 'cease and
desist' order from the state I was living in because I
was poking people's fingers to do 'live blood'
analysis and to check the blood of the women I was
I did not stop delivering babies at that time.
3) A few years later I was told my name was on a list
being shown to parolees wanting to know if they knew of
my where abouts and what I was 'up to'.
I share a few of these examples to let you know that I have not buried my head in the sand or run from the issues. I have some strong opinions about what is going on in our country. Unfortunately, I think when we could have actually done something about it - too many of us weren't doing anything - we were far too complacent and naive. Now that we are reaping what we have allowed to happen, many who sat on the side-lines are waking up and screaming 'time out'. If you still believe it will help to write to your congressman - then, by all means, write. I hope you are right!
However, the political end of this is not my forte right now. My job/calling is to continue to help people understand that they need to wake up and get prepared:
- put away heirloom seeds so you can plant your own food and then harvest the seeds in the fall so you are not dependant on someone else to buy them every spring
- put away food supplies - making sure you have sprouting seeds to supply you with fresh, live food (sprouts)when there is no where to buy it or grow it
- put away herbs, oils and medical supplies, so if, for any reason you cannot get to a hospital, you will be prepared to take care of yourself, your family and all the others who show up on your doorstep needing help
- learn about the plants in your area, so that when your supplies run out, you will have a back-up
- make sure you have water stored for drinking and sanitation
- learn how to cleanse and purify your body so that you are not suseptible to disease (this is also an excellent way to learn how to overcome your addictions, so that if you had to go without for awhile, you wouldn't panic - can you imagine being next to someone who couldn't get their prozac or morphine?)
I think all of us who watched what happened in New Orleans were shocked to see how fast things unraveled. Just stop and imagine what would happen if a pandemic swept across this country (which it will) and they instituted marshal law which kept everyone quarantined for 30 to 60 days. Would you have everything you needed to survive? Would you know what to do?
I don't believe in living with a 'doomsday' attitude. I think life was meant to be lived and enjoyed, but we also need to be realistic. We need to educate ourselves and be prepared for whatever life deals us. If we are prepared, we don't need to fear!
If your expertise is in politics, then jump in there and make a difference. However, my energies right now are being devoted to educating, not politics - I will leave that battle in smarter and more capable hands than mine.