Sometimes, I am so right it hurts.
This isn't one of them.
First comes the power to regulate, then comes the abuse, expanded powers, new interpretations and over-regulation for the benifit of the monied powers. See the FDA for an example.
Who is it again that is pushing this bill?
Well drat - my left testicle is already loose. Is that the opposite of having a "screw" loose? LOL. Maybe your testimonial might help with the right one? Come post it on my private forum if you like - I don't allow uptight over there.
BTW, I totally agree with you on the definition of organic being a joke.
I will be anxiously awaiting that testimonial. Along with my right gonad . . .
Look, they don’t have to mention "organic gardening, backyard farms, seeds or fertilizers" to cover them. And your little comment about something "documenting it contents" is accomplished how? By speding money to prove it. And that equals what? Higher costs for food! Obiously you don't even realize their goals in all the recent food scare's with raw foods and these regulations do you? Wake up.
Now let's actually look at the document and see what it actually says because there’s enough in Section B & the Definitions Section for me to be against it. If you really understand what they’re saying, it covers ANYTHING EDIBLE in any form produced by anyone, anywhere in the U.S.
Under Section B explaining the purpose of the Act it says:
“ b) Purposes- The purposes of this Act are—“
(B) ensure that food establishments fulfill their responsibility to process, store, hold, and transport food in a manner that protects the public health of all people in the United States;”
Let’s look up "establishments" at Websters:
It says an establishments are:
“d: a place of business or residence with its furnishings and staff e: a public or private institution”
So an establishment can be a “residence” including “its furnishings”.Also if you look up "staff' it says basically officers in charge of internal opperations. And you look up officers it says one who holds an office of trust, authority or cammand. So they're including the people in charge for the operation too. So do you get the picture here? They're covering the residence, it's furnishings and the people in charge.
Now let’s look up "institution" at Websters:
It says: “something or someone firmly associated with a place or thing”
So an institution can be “something or someone" "associated with a place” (your address) “or thing”. (your house, garden or food)
Now let’s look up "process" at Webeters:
“(1): a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result <the process of growth> (2): a continuing natural or biological activity or function”
So a processor is someone who is involved in “a natural phenomenon marked by the process of growth” or “natural or biological activity or function”. Hmm sounds like growing food to me!
So let’s look at what that section says. Ensuring residences associated to things like a garden or food “fulfill their responsibility to process, store, hold, and transport food in a manner that protects the public health of all people in the United States;”
Also notice it includes storage and holding food. You don’t even have to grow it!
If you go to “SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS.” And look at Section 7 it says:
“(7) CATEGORY 3 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT- The term ‘category 3 food establishment’ means a food establishment (other than a category 1 or category 2 establishment) that processes cooked, pasteurized, or otherwise ready-to-eat seafood or other animal products, fresh produce in ready-to-eat raw form, or other products that pose a risk of hazardous contamination.”
So the regulations they intend to implement include “fresh produce in ready-to-eat raw form.”
Hello? I think your organic garden produces “fresh produce in ready to-eat raw form”. Maybe I’m doing things wrong, but that’s the intent for my garden.
And if that didn’t cover your organic garden, well lets go to Section 8 under Definitions.
“(8) CATEGORY 4 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT- The term ‘category 4 food establishment’ means a food establishment that processes all other categories of food products not described in paragraphs (5) through (7).”
So if they didn’t cover your organic garden before, section 8 covers “all other categories of food products not described in paragraphs (5) through (7).”
That virtually means ANY food they didn't list already!. What did that leave out?
Well that’s enough for me. I don’t even have to read the rest! I don't think they could say it any plainer except by yelling "Hey we're going to regulate all food grown in any manner by any residence or business!"
And by the way ADONIS, uh, nice hair.
You said “If anything, they will get the legal definition of organic changed so they can sell their modified and sprayed products to the people clamoring for organic produce.”
So you think even if everything I just said is totally wrong, it’s ok to lower the already weak standards we have for organic food? Just let them keep slicing off a piece of the pie till nothings left? It’s not organic now, so let them totally trash all our food with Monsanto suicide seeds, GM foods and toxic chemicals? Why are you even in here? Dude, I think Monsanto has a forum don’t they? I’m sure you’d fit in well there!
You also said “Sometimes, I am so right it hurts.” Uh, why would you hurt if you’re right? Most people feel good when they're right. Maybe you should look at what’s causing things to hurt and what it is exactly that hurts. There’s probably a cure for that problem. Maybe the problem is poor blood circulation to the brain? Take two aspirin to thin your blood and kill the pain and call me in two days.