This is becoming a huge problem in the world...
...As our children gain access to media outlets promoting wider, and wilder 'sexuality', to sell their products...children are introduced to questions that did not exist, should not exist in their world.
More and more adults have lost the standards that made them better parents.
How long does it take an unwatched three-year-old to get to the 'juicy' stuff on a computer?
And, how much of it do they have to see to spoil their innocence, for life?
How many game shows are on television using slightly 'racy' ideas and words that we think are going 'over the heads' of our babes?
Is Barbie a sex symbol? ...Or G.I. Joe? And how many parents are willing to take a chance with their baby's feelings?
How many little children use the very words of inappropriate sexuality, BECAUSE they cause alarm in older people?
How many movies do the same thing?
"Ha, ha, ha...isn't that cute?!" ...Cartoon characters with TV screens in their tummies?
Words and pictures are all-powerful, folks. Just hearing/seeing them plants ideas that destroy...even if we don't yet know what they mean.
The meanings of individual words/pictures bypass logic and reason. Why are speech-writers hired? And why do they coin new words and phrases? ...To grab our attentions, and to inflame our passions with trigger-words.
Why do I use old-fashioned terms even in my posts, here?
...Because they refer to a cleaner, safer, more beautiful time.
You don't need today's language in your feelings...and I'll be hornswoggled if I'll add to your destruction, your confusion! So, THERE!!!
How long does it take for corruption to mushroom in a population?
...Especially when we have no one standing guard...when profit-makers are kings.
The fox is managing the hen-house, people.
Who will protect the chicks?