Whoa!!! Stop! Stand back! Think again!!!
Children may do some pretty silly things...but there is no way they are 'responsible' for anything!!!
'Curious'? Absolutely!
'Mimicking'? Of course!
'Responsible'? Of course NOT!
NOT until they become 'adult'!
...And then we must all discern where we became 'stuck' as a child, and grow out of it.
I admire that you are willing to take the 'blame' for your brother's confusion, 99243...but there is no need. NONE!
That's just another place we can become 'stuck'...guilt.
The ONLY way out of any 'stuck' spot is to understand what is better, and begin to do it...as best we can.
THEN, practice makes perfect. Practice of 'what is better' opens us to reality...the best of ourselves.
Move heaven and earth to get your hands on a book called, 'It Can Happen to You', by Roger J. Callahan.
It is out of print, but there are copies of it in library systems, and, especially, second-hand bookstores.
Read it, at least twice.
There you'll find something close to the reality of sexuality. It is far more than anything you have ever dreamed.
How do I know? Because it DID happen to me...BEFORE I read the book.
Romantic love...knee-shaking, earth-moving, incredibly beautiful, life-changing romantic love IS the reality...but the ONLY way to keep it is to develop maturity.
Callahan says, "If you are one of those who CAN feel romantic love..."
I say that everyone CAN, as long as we hear about it, see it, early enough.
In fact, I think every child should be taught something about real romantic love, even if they simply observe something of it in adults.
...For, what child would ever become involved in drugs, or pre-mature sexuality, if they knew real romantic love is not only possible, but possible for THEM?
Callahan goes on to say that, if you are one of those who CAN feel it, and you flub it...don't worry, it will happen to you again.
This is the basis of 'stuckedness', I think. We keep returning to the best we have felt...hopefully to learn and grow toward the ultimate.
Callahan says that romantic love is extremely scary because we are so vulnerable...but, if we know that it WILL happen to us again until we get it right, then it is okay to feel vulnerable...to take a chance.
So, all of our early experiences don't matter. They are simply preparation for what is to come...your best feelings...and your maturity.
I know nothing about homosexuality, except that I observed one young fellow's dilemma.
The only thing I could think of was to tell him there is more...far more.
He was most certainly 'stuck', at the time I knew him.
What he would find in his future, I don't know...but surely there must be an ultimate for him, too.
If I were you, I'd find a way to be open to help your brother.
Obviously you care about him...and about yourself...which is appropriate.
Perhaps a hint, delivered lightly and with a smile, that you are willing to talk, without any judgements, or 'downers' of any kind...would be the very thing to help you both grow toward your best lives.
Maybe if he sees that you are becoming happier, freer, he may grow, too.
I don't think we can easily plan these things...but, if we are open to them, somehow they seem to happen on their own.
Just hold the thought...the intention.
You seem to be very intelligent, and thoughtful, 99243.
Likely you have seen much more of the truth since you wrote your post.
I have very high hopes for you, because I passed much of my own 'stuckedness' quite a while back.
It is very rare and beautiful air we breathe when we open to the truth, the best we have within.
And, it isn't far away, I promise...just a little step to the side in our thinking.
Hopefulness is truly beautiful.
My best,