Re: Ashwagandha or Maca?
You will be a lot better off with the ashwagandha. It is not only good for the adrenals, but also stimulates the GABA receptors in the brain giving it a calming effect. This is important as stress will weaken the adrenals.
Ashwagandha also helps the thyroid in the fact that it aids with T4 to T3 conversion.
Speaking of the thyroid, you should never just go off the Armour. You need to gradually wean off. All thyroid hormone sources will atrophy your thyroid over time. If you go off suddenly there will be no thyroid hormones to support you. If you gradually reduce your dosage then it forces the thyroid to start working again. That is as long as the thyroid was not removed or killed for overactivity.
Part of your thyroid problem could also be from your hormones. You mentioned in other posts having both hemochromotosis and going through menopause. Going through menopause is already going to lead to elevated levels of estrogen that interferes with thyroid function. Hormone levels are normally kept in check by the liver. If liver function is inhibited, such as by hemochromotosis, then this can further aggravate hormone problems leading to further thyroid dysfunction. This is one of the few rare times I would recommend alpha lipoic acid (ALA), which is an effective iron chelator. Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), found in soy and other grains is also an effective chelator for iron. Soy is also rich in phytoestrogens, which help to antagonize your own estrogens. Just make sure the soy is either fermented or cooked before eating so that any goitergens are destroyed. Goitergens are found in numerous foods (broccoli, cabbage, turnips, cassava, peanuts, etc.)and can cause thyroid suppression if not destroyed. They are readily destroyed by fermentation or cooking. Chromium and calcium are also excellent for blocking iron absorption. Tannins, found in coffee and tea, also effectively block iron absorption. Tea though, including green tea is also rich in fluoride, which interferes with thyroid function. If you use coffee make sure it is decaffeinated as caffeine will weaken your adrenals increasing the body's requirement for vitamin C.
Since you are looking for things to stimulate collagen and elastin formation don't forget silica and gotu kola. Silica is essential for collagen and elastin formation. I don't recommend horsetail grass (shavegrass) due to the nicotine content. Instead I would go with rice or oat bran, bamboo, or purified diatomaceous earth sold in some health food stores. Gotu kola stimulates collagen and elastin formation.