Uniquity, I'm practically speechless right now! All this fantastic info! I read your post to formales and it all makes sense. I know I have a lot more reading to do. I will look into doing a Colon Cleanse again, this time going by your recommendations. I have a Champion juicer, so that's a good start. I will get the Ashwagandha in powder form. What do you suggest I mix it with because of the taste? After I get all the things I need to do a juice fasting and colon cleanse, I will check with you first to make sure i'm on the right track. I would like more info on the female balance stuff you mentioned. About the Hemochromatosis. I found out I had it about 12 years ago and was told not to take vitamin C. But about a month ago I read an article about buffered vitamin c and hemochromatosis. It said you can take it about 2-3 hours after you eat. The only reason I wanted to take it was because it is suppose to be good for collagen formation. I'm 52, so I wanted to help my aging skin. I welcome your thoughts on this also. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my message. I'm excited to start the cleansing process and feeling better. Thank you so very much Uniquity!