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Re: MC - isotonic SWF daily
msteve666 Views: 15,344
Published: 16 y
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Re: MC - isotonic SWF daily

That's right. One sitting.

I've seen where people have taken proportional amounts based on an average 150lb person. 24 oz would be a proportional amount to your weight.

I actually drink 2 quarts at one sitting. The first quart goes down pretty quick. But since it is moving out of your stomach pretty quick, I get the rest down within the next 15 minutes. So wait 10 minutes and you will be surprised at how much additional you can drink. (Not the same when you drink plain water or juice)I don't know anyone who does 2 quarts like I do.

I drink it warm. It doesn't really taste that salty. Some people say they gag on the taste. I guess that's just an individual sensitivity to taste.

FYI - only take when you are clear. (After a flush or cleansing protocol) It's not a laxative. You don't want it to run into a brick wall as it's racing through you.


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