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Re: Tom/trying to make sense of MMS
catlin Views: 3,579
Published: 16 y
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Re: Tom/trying to make sense of MMS

I've been watching this thread with interest. It's good to see that you are really looking into this, and making decisions based on fact, not fantasy. I know how hard it is to have a disease that you will do anything to get rid of, and I know how hard it is to find that something that you want so desperately to work is not the answer. Tom helped me try this, and although I tried a very low dose, diluted, looking back I can see a time with it where I felt better, but it seemed to be a euphoria. I might be wrong, but I believe that this was caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, similar to getting drunk. So the feeling better wasn't that the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement was doing a good job, it was a bad thing because lack of oxygen to the brain isn't good at all. Someone else on this board claimed a cure of her MS(my disease) but it made mine worse, it caused an exacerbation. I have a hard time believing that it helped her MS at all because it simply makes no sense at all. I hope that you find an answer for whatever ails you, but I have to say, Miracle-Mineral-Supplement isn't it. In fact, it will cause you more problems in the future. I have a good friend that tried it over a year ago, and is now dealing with the after effects. Chronic anemia, and heart problems, which cause her to pass out frequently. She is seeing a doctor, and they are running tests, trying to undo the damage done. So be very careful with it if you go ahead and try it. Personally, I don't think that it's worth the problems that you will deal with in the future. I'm sure at this point some will jump in here and try to refute this. Just understand that some may not suffer long term effects, it's kind of early to tell, but what if you happen to be one that does, like my friend? Something to think about. Also know that Tom is the best one to go to for answers and advice. I sure wish that Bruce would come on the board and address some of your questions as well. Between the two of them, they have the best advice you can get.
And Tom, (big smile icon!!!) Be gentle!


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