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Re: Tom/trying to make sense of MMS

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Re: Tom/trying to make sense of MMS

Hello Iloveamma,

I am basically a healthy person. I started off using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and following the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol, but quickly became aware of the problems with it. This lead me to do my own testing, and that, along with several interviews and discussions with medical professionals, chemists, microbiologists, industrial hygienists, and the top people involved with chlorine dioxide, have lead me to my conclusions.

I actually found Clara's protocol better. When I reached 6 drops, three times a day, I came down with the flu. This was a surprise to me because I was under the impression that Miracle-Mineral-Supplement would strengthen your immune system. This does not seem to be the case, and as I later found out, chlorine dioxide can oxidize iron and magnesium, both of which are very important to your immune system.

During the period I was trying MMS, I had periodic blood tests with my physician looking, in particular, for any indications of oxidative stress. None were observed, or showed up in the various tests done.

If you hook up with a medical professional that is familiar with oxidative therapies, you may want to bring this up and see if a treatment plan could be worked out. I do not recommend ingesting it without proper medical supervision and tracking.

I do recommend using the mouthwash, further purifying your drinking water, and am an advocate for the topical application of chlorine dioxide solutions. It is also very effective in mold and mildew odor removal, along with removing other pet and people odors. If you are having to clean up some mold or mildew, it is safer to remove if it is dead first, and after removal you can go a long way to preventing re-occurrence by the proper use of a sodium chlorite solution.

I actually have a small following of people that think very highly of my "gourmet" drinking water. We think it tastes better than bottled water. In some houses when people come over you make some coffee or tea. When people come over to our house, we make pure water.

Hydrogen peroxide is different in that it oxidizes everything. Chlorine dioxide will only oxidize bacteria, fungi, viruses, and metals. It doesn't seem to effect healthy cells at low concentrations. Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid, while chlorine dioxide is a gas, and remains a gas even in liquids.

On the contrary, there are lots of tests on sodium chlorite solutions and chlorine dioxide. They are for topical applications. These chemicals are classified as pesticides, and there have been thousands of tests proving that they are very effective at sanitizing and disinfecting. There have been a few studies done with humans ingesting water that has been disinfected with chlorine dioxide. The longest test involved people drinking a liter of water a day for 12 weeks. The water had a 5 PPM concentration of chlorine dioxide with no residual available. No adverse effects were observed.

"Big Pharma" is not interested in chlorine dioxide because it is unstable, is difficult to generate in small amounts, it can't be stored, and that it is a pesticide. The FDA is interested because the claims that Jim Humble makes can't be duplicated or proven. If there was consistent anecdotal evidence that the MMS protocol worked, it would be reasonably easy to find funding for testing and approval. However that does not seem to be the case...



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