Re: Tom/trying to make sense of MMS
When you say medical professionals, do you mean typically western doctors and scientists, or alternative health care practitioners?
It is all very interesting. Especially that people seem to feel better after taking it...
I mean, doesn't that count for something? Whatever happened to feeling better being the main point in the first place??
My bottle will arrive soon. It is too bad I do not have the financial means to test in a way I would like to.
But as someone who has had a lot of health issues, I can tell you Tom, I will choose getting a little anemic and low in magneisum any day of the week. In fact, it is a walk in the park compared to everything else and to me is well worth the risk in taking it.
But everyone should make their own deicision and should be well informed to make those decisions themselves.
Thanks so much for sharing. It has been eye opening!