15 y
Re: and another thing
"As far as being a klutz in won't matter because you'll be ready to be with that person in an intimate way and there's really no klutzy-ness in intimacy. You're not trying to impress anyone, you're sharing you body, mind, and soul with that person."
Be careful on the wording of that. That was my whole point in my post before about waiting to go with someone you REALLY care for and then getting dumped. Many girls think of the first time as sharing every part of them, and most men do not. They just like to get laid. They still may like you, and that is a bonus to them, but ultimately, they just want to get laid. I feel it is best to go with someone you like and share your body with him first. As a relationship progresses, then a more personable experience can be had. Just don't think jumping in with your mind and soul on a first experience is a good thing.
In life, there is sex for the enjoyment of it, and then really intimate sex. Women that can't learn to separate the two, will find themselves taking every sexual act personably, and are in for a lot of heartache.