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Re: POSSIBLE HELP, Re: Help! Can't Breathe! Bad sinus problems
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Re: POSSIBLE HELP, Re: Help! Can't Breathe! Bad sinus problems

Hello once again, Jeanxyz!

A brief but maybe helpful update about Colloidal Silver :

I have just found some websites that appear to have REAL scientific stuidies (or abstracts & references about them) about Colloidal Silver ! Hooray!

The URLs are: (Contains a great deal of scientific-literature references and abstracted information, all collated by a Robert C. Holladay, who apparently did a lot of research on this matter); (Contains links to Holladay's works plus to a variety of others that, at initial glance at least, look useful).

I've now read through some lengthy portions of Hollday's material. At first glance, I get the impression, from various of the studies that he quotes or synopsizes, that:

(a) Silver ions can do the trick;

(b) but silver ions can indeed interact in a negative way with various cells and substances in the body, and the amount of that interactivity depends on such things as ppm concentration and other things;

(c) elemental silver may also work well;

(d) ppm in the bottle may become very reduced when inside the body because of dilution with bodily fluids -- but what ppm to then select is still not clear to me, because some studies seem to show conflicting data on the effectiveness of different ppm's. My impression is that 3-20ppm is considered, by some, to be a fair range, with 10ppm or so being more preferable -- but is that enough to knock out staphyloccus aureus, for example? Or is it sufficient for that purpose if the doses are applied repeatedly and frequently, assuming that one dose won't do the job? I get the impression that multiple, relatively frequent doses (and exactly how frequent, I need to read more) is subjective.

(e) different types (and amounts?) of bacteria/fungi/viruses seem to require different concentrations of silver in order for the silver to wipe them out,

(f) but sometimes those pathogens can be wiped out -- or held in check -- with a given ppm of Colloidal Silver , depending on how often the dose is given or applied and on how long a period it is used;

(g) Mild Silver Protein (MSP) forms of colloidal silver are less effective than non-MSP colloidal silver;

(h) MSP has been found, in some studies, to be harboring bacteria, thus suggesting that MSP forms of colloidal silver may be just not safe to use.

Another website that I've found, which sells a version of non-MSP elemental colloidal silver called Advanced Colloidal Silver -- which I think is a rebranded (legitimately) version of Mesosilver -- also makes the argument that ionic colloidal silver, when swallowed (which its promotors typically recommend) immediately reacts in the stomach with hydrochloric acid, converting into essentially useless silver chloride which, says the website, has zero antimicrobial capability. Maybe there's a biochemist at this Curezone forum who can address this issue?

Okay, so there you have the latest. Phew!



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