Re: Vitamins
You can always obtain
Iodine from kelp which is a form of seaweed, and where I think most multi's do contain some iodine, but deficiencies usually result in what is known as "goitre" or what is termed here in the UK as "Derbyshire Neck": the soils in the county of Derbyshire were deficient in this mineral.
If you do not have goitre, then you are highly unlikely to be deficient, but then this would not aspire to an "optimum" level.
The person to ask here is "Trapper" on the
Iodine support forum: he's the expert.
I think it is important to bear in mind that nutrients act synergistically or as a "team", and where nutrients taken individually (such as B12) wouldn't be as beneficial as the whole B Complex taken together.
B12 is of course the big "talking-point".
Supposedly, if you don't eat meat you will develop a Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Q. Where then do the animals whose meat we eat get theirs?
A. Vitamin B12 is actually found in plants in very small amounts. But the way Vitamin B12 is absorbed is primarily from that produced in the body. The stomach secretes a substance called "intrinsic factor", which will transport the B12 created by the bacterial flora in our intestines.
The actual need for Vitamin B12 is so minute that it is measured in micrograms (millionth of a gram) or nanograms (billionth of a gram). ONE milligram of Vitamin B12 will last you over 2 years, and healthy individuals usually carry around a 5 year supply.
But this is the IMPORTANT PART...................
Putrefaction hinders the secretion of "intrinsic factor" in the stomach, and retards the production of B12, so flesh eaters are more likely to develop a B12 deficiency than vegetarians, as meat causes MORE putrefaction than any other food, along with the incorrect combination of all foods, and especially if a protein is combined with a starch at the same meal.
Food for thought!!!