Re: Some answers for you (and possibilities) Re: Gallbladder/Liver Flush & Best Juicer: Help Currently needed
Hey again. Been in bed all day. Yeah, I have the full.
I weened myself off of Amitripylene. I read a post on another site that spoke of being a zombie on it. That is what I noticed. Anyway, doc prescribed it for depression, whatever, and nerve pain, which is horrible.
I found a document the other night that revealed that many years ago on Xanax. Don't remember how long, but probably not long at all. Actiq/fentanyl longest one on. Odd, when I went to and searched for Actiq, links to buy it there. Weird. I guess it not benzo.
Anyway. Now back to reading about juicers.
I have bladder (not the gall one) scheduled for Friday. Might be canceled due to the flu deal.
I also signed that petition.
I'm also on Lyrica. Going to look into that right now. I didn't come up as benzo.