When you speak of Grean Leafy Vegetables which ones are you referring to becuase I consume lots of salads that consist of Iceberg Lettuce, Arugula, Romaine and Mix Greens. As far as the Eggs and Milk I am Lactose Intolerence and hardly ever consume Dairy. Do you know which Fruits and Vegetables Produce More TMAU? I just started avoiding foods that contain Soy, Soy Lechitin, and yeast(One of them are Snacks which I Love). I'm also staying away from Wheat products as well. I buy breads that are Wheat/Gluten/Yeast/Eggs Free (Not so Yummy). I had to give up pasta with Tomatoe Sauce because the smell was horrible. Regarding the Doctors I've seen a Gastro Doctor which in my earlier blog I wrote produced Negetative results for test that was performed regarding my colon and digestive tract. I recently went to my primary doctor who has never heard of TMAU and did standard test and referred me to a endocronologist who now wants to send me to a dermatologist because he really doesn't know!!. Do you have a link where I can find the nearest TMAU specialist ASAP? I completed the parasite & Intestinal Clease (I don't smell Better maybe worse). Today I will complete the Dr. Hulda Liver Cleanse and see if that helps along with eating a very low choline diet becuase I am losing my life and Death seems so much better than living in constent shame of how you smell. I have to overcome this not just for myself but for my kids so I can start liking a productive life. I feel I LOST EVERYTHING, HIT ROCK BOTTOM, I just want to LIVE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!