Re: Magnesium is Vital for Good Health - EDIT
Don't go overboard with the supplements - I fear that way too many people do that (including myself likely).
People think that I am a supplement pusher, but actually I believe that the fewer supplements the better, ONCE YOU HAVE RESTORED YOUR BODY TO FUNCTION OPTIMALLY.
Along with cleansing, detoxing, fasting, proper diet and nutrition, phsyical activity and removal of stress, supplements in reasonable amounts can play a very important role in correcting deficiencies and imbalances as well as in fighting off disease and illness in perhaps larger therapeutic amounts while the natural immune system is strengthened. However, once your body has been normalized and made healthy, ideally you should only have to take minimal supplements to make up for what you are unable to get through the diet.
Natural sources are always the best, assuming that they are not GMO or contaminated with pesticides and/or herbicides or other toxins, or radiated. It is also important, I and others believe, to give yourself a day off on a regular rotating basis, and sometimes as much as a week off, from supplements so that your body does not become trained to depend on supplements to do what a properly functioning healthy body should do on it's own.