Thanks. Much appreciated. I've been following with the general adrenal protocal from my past naturopathic dr. and from reading dr. Wilson's book. It's now been 7 months and not much progress. I have gone through this before about 8 years ago and never quite recovered than ( about 70%. I'm at the point now, I am going to see a specialist, an M.D. that also uses alternative. I believe my glands are really shot this time. Still can not walk well, light headed for months, etc......
Having my saliva cortisol levels checked this coming week. had full blood work done, and will see the dr. on Feb. 20th. There may even be something else going on to besides ( or in addition to adrenals )As soon as I get even a 20% recovery something always puts more stress on the glands and I'm bad again, even if I try to take a slow walk. I may be closer to Addision's disease than I thought. Will find out soon.