Re: B12 nasal spray and injections
Hi, all!
After carefully examining the spray container, thought I would give it a try.
Have NO idea how to convert a dose of 10 cc CYANOcobalamin to "metered" sprays of the nasal METHYLcobalamin.
Initially, I am trying 2 sprays in each nostril on the days that I would have taken an injection in the past. Will report back on how that does, and whether the equivalent dose is a bit less or more than that.
I an assuming that it is wise to blow nose and/or use a Neti pot or similar to irrigate sinuses in order to have clean tissue to absorb the B12 before doing the spray. It seems to adhere to the inside of the sinuses rather than travel further into the respiratory system.
A few minutes after the first trial of the nasal delivery, seem slightly energised and this delivery facilitates it getting to one's neurochemistry.
Anyone else using, how many shots of that metered spray do you use at once?
How often?
The experiment continues...