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Re: Baking Soda!!!!
herpescure Views: 41,802
Published: 17 y
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Re: Baking Soda!!!!

Yes, this is all true. However, if you are living a life where you have an outbreak every other day for months on end, then I think you too will try anything. Can you agree that a pH of 7.4-7.6 is healthy? Can you agree that a pH of 4-6 is not healthy, even for type O blood? When I test my urine my pH strip turns white - I'd love to hear your theories about why. I'd also love to hear you tell me how healthy that is. However, I just discovered that I have liver fluke parasites which may be causing an acidic pH.

So, to counter this I take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda two times a day to start and then back off to once a day. I will up my dosage if I do heavy drinking or eat a lot of carbs. Also, this should be done one hour before and two hours after any food as it does indeed interfere with stomach acid. I then test my morning urine to ensure that I am in the 7.4-7.6 range using pH paper.

I have been able to very successfully stop/reverse 7 outbreaks now with the Baking Soda Herpes Cure. If I get tingle or full blown blisters, this stops it every time.

P.S. Cancer is acidic - I have read nowhere that Lactic Acid prevents its growth. The "baking soda cancer cure" is specifically designed to kill most cancers by neutralizing its acidity. I'd like to hear more about that.


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