I need some questions answered?
Hi I just got on this site for the first time. My sister was telling me about side effects from IUD's and I have Mirena. I had my third child in 06 and have not felt the same since. I thought maybe the whole thing was post partem
Depression lasting for years. I do not feel horrible as some of you seem to feel but here are some things that are way different for me...I have turned in to a complete meanie.. always cranky and always wanting to yell at everyone and think they are all stupid. I sleep alot and stay tired. I am depressed super stressed and of all things have bad
Acne again even with Proactiv on my side. Sometimes it hurts during sex and even though I had my first c section I hurt very bad to the point of doubling over when i sneeze or even get up too quickly?? I have no get up and go and drive to do or accomplish much of anythign and even wiht all of my beautiful 4 children (that includes my step son) I am never happy at all and rarely laugh real on the inside. My 2 year old is the only thing that makes me really smile and I love my family. Whch makes me sad and crybaby like sometimes.BUT I AM ALWAYS ANGRY for no reason!!! I do get way more aches and pains but attributed it to all the "too much sleeping". Hell even my dental health is gone.No cavity ever and now I have tons. And I had never gotten even remotely irritating headaches my whole life until after my 2 year old. I had the Mirena put in after a few weeks of giving birth.(no breastfeeding don't worry) It has been 2 years 3 months since having it in. Does all of this sound similar? I have One Mayjor concern. We are going through a rough custody case regarding my stepson and I do not want to go insane and become too out of it or ill once I get it removed but can't wait to get "ME" back. Will removing it be bad for me until after I am through the worst part of this custody??? What will I feel like to not have it in at first and how bad can it be? I am freaking out but wanna see if this stupid T was the cause of so mush stress and pain and depression. I knew somehting wasn't right but only am jsut now thinking for sure this is probably the cause. Can anyone answer any of these concerns...and symptom wonderings?