Re: Point was there IS objective truth in all matters
Yes, indeed. I do believe in Jesus. More strongly now than ever, actually. I am curious as to what you use as a yardstick to measure if someone is successfully living a life led by the Holy Spirit without the benefit of the bible? What do you look for? Just to share a tad about myself, I am a child of an alcoholic father (and all the craziness that goes along with that mess) and co-dependent mother, basically have had my share I suppose of life-lesson "knocks", including having been raped at age 20, basically having to fend for myself after my father died at age 10 b/c my mom was not "all there" after that, so to speak, was left alone on a daily basis not knowing if my mom was going to be coming home that night, so I became agoraphobic, literally not leaving the house at age 15 for 4 months straight, until my older sister came and took me away from the mom who could not longer effectively care for me, and gave me a solid family environment with her and her husband and 2 kids, where I finally learned about responsibility and having to do chores, and stuff like that. Developed type 1 diabetes a year after my dad's death (age 10), which I am sure was a result of not having been given a chance to grieve or even informed of what was happening (sadness of spirit), and I almost died from anesthesia given to me during an emergency abortion at age 34 that I had to get (my husband and I were married a year) b/c the pregnancy made me so ill I would have died w/o it (I was vomiting blood 24/7 - talk about trauma!). But, it was at age 27 (21 yrs ago now) that I was laying on my bed in total despair, engaged to someone I no longer loved, living a life devoid of work or play, suddenly aware that my life was a disaster, not knowing where to turn, that I called out: "God, Please Help Me!" And it was then at that very moment that my life began to turn around. I was led to 12-step. First, Adult Children of Alcoholics, then Alanon, and finally CoDA (co-dependents anonymous). I don't know if you have ever attended any such meetings, but they are life-changing, and are based on a belief in a power greater than oneself that I and most others call "God", and these programs are based in Christian ideals. People from many varied backgrounds and religious origins come to these meetings, and are able to incorporate these Christian-based tenets into their daily lives. These meeting rooms are alive with God's love - you can feel it. And at least 80% of them have not read the bible. They don't have to read it - they are living it. It's truly a gift!